Current State of the Mind

Posted by Wyrlo Labels: , , , , ,


Recently, with all the changes and adversities this life brings to me and my family, it seems that all these things brings toll to my mind as well.

I am still not sure but I feel that I have so much things that I am worried about. I read a book entitled, "How to stop worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. In there, Dale said that in order to stop worrying, live life in a day-tight compartment. Free yourself from any worries by just living each day not thinking of the tomorrow and the past.

I'm trying to do just that but it seems that it is not working. I am still thinking where would I get the things that I needed to provide for my family. I am always thinking these things and I couldn't stop. This wakes me up in the middle of the night lately and I am getting afraid that I could get crazy.

Worry, as they say, can bring toll to one's health. And I'm afraid of it. What will I do?

I feel that right now I am just holding it in. I am afraid that when the time comes I could get snapped and loose reality. I need to do something.